Board of Trustees (B.O.T)
The Role and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees
The role of the Board of Trustees is to govern the school. Boards of trustees are responsible for the school’s performance and focus their strategic planning on improving student achievement. They are required to set the direction for the school and monitor progress towards achieving it.
The board
is responsibly for property
is the employer of all staff
effectively manages school finances
sets the strategic plan for the school
approves the annual plan and targets
develops and reviews policies
monitors achievement of students
supports the Principal
Board meetings
Board meetings are generally held monthly in the Staffroom on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm. Meetings are open to the public and parents are welcome to attend as observers. Contact the school office to confirm meeting dates.
Whilst meetings are open for public attendance, they are not public meetings, but speaking rights can be granted to non-board members at the discretion of the board. Any recommendations, questions or request to address the board should be put in writing and sent to the Board Chairperson at least a week before a meeting.
Members of the Board of Trustees
The board is made up of four parent representatives who are elected triannually, the principal as the CEO, in addition to the three Bishop's representatives and the staff representative, representing the school community.
Presiding Member: Martyn McGuinness
Principal: Helen McGuigan
Board Secretary: Situation Vacant
Parent Representatives:
Kylee Potae
Julie Brooking
Peter Blake
Francine Beachman
Bishop's Representatives:
Martyn McGuinness
Anna Tolich
Aimee Ostler
Staff Representative:
Vicki Swider