New Entrants/Starting School
It is not unusual for your child to shed a few tears when the moment of parting from Mum and Dad comes. New entrants have adjustments to make in the transition from pre-school. The physical size of the school, the large number of people, a more structured day, eating and playing alongside others and the increased level of effort expended in learning can be a challenge. Children are very adaptable in meeting these challenges.
Parents need to set high standards – at no time should you hold children at home and start them later in the day, as experience has shown this precedent can lead to all sorts of problems and a habit that is difficult to break. If you have any difficulty getting your child to school please discuss this with the class teacher as soon as possible.
Before Starting:
You can make your child's transition to school easier if he/she:-
☺ Can go to the toilet independently
☺ Can wash and dry own hands
☺ Can dress independently – this includes shoes
☺ Can use scissors, pencils and crayons
☺ Knows own name and can recognise it written down. If you write things down for your child use lower case letters.
☺ Knows address and telephone number
☺ Is familiar with nursery rhymes, colours, simple road rules and courtesies
☺ Has respect for other people's property
☺ Is encouraged to speak correctly, clearly and thoughtfully (if you are worried about your child's speech we can arrange help for you from the Speech Language Therapist).
☺ has confidence and is willing to "try"
Please note: these are only guidelines – not requirements. Some children may not be able to manage these skills until they are older.