Absentees and Late Arrivals
Absence and Lateness
A check-safe scheme operates in the school. If your child is going to be absent or late, please contact the school – Phone (06) 868 8332 between 8.00am and 8.30am. If your child does not arrive at school and you have not contacted us, we will phone you or your emergency contact.
Please advise us immediately of any changes of phone numbers or addresses.
In the case of a foreseen absence from school, please discuss an exemption with your child's teacher.
As per Attendance Matters Guildelines:
- The Education Act 1989 (the Act) The Act sets out requirements for students, parents, boards and principals.
- Students 6–16 years old must be enrolled in and attend school. Every person who is not a foreign student is required to be enrolled at a registered school at all times during the period beginning on the person’s sixth birthday and ending on the person’s 16th birthday (Section 20).
- Students required to enrol must attend school: Every student of a registered school (other than a correspondence) who is required by section 20 of this Act to be enrolled at a registerd school shall attend the school whenever it is open (Section 25).