Parent Information
Parent Participation
During the year both the Board of Trustees and the Parent Liaison group may call working bees. Parents are encouraged to help whenever they are able.
Parent Help
A much appreciated aspect of the school day is the help parents are able to give teachers in various ways. This can take the form of regular help in the classroom with a wide range of non-teaching tasks and is not confined to the Junior School. Parents can also help when classes go on educational visits away from school or lend expertise in sport, hobbies and craftwork. Some teachers are keen to utilize parent help in classrooms, but this varies with the individual teacher. If you are interested do not hesitate to offer.
Parents Concerns
There will be times when parents have concerns regarding pupil progress or behaviour. Should this occur the issue should first be discussed with the child's teacher. If it persists, an appointment should be made to discuss the matter with the appropriate Syndicate Leader. The Syndicate Leader will advise you and probably recommend that the Principal is involved. Naturally, serious cases should be referred directly to the Principal. Parents must rest assured that we want to work in partnership with you in regard to your child's education.
Reports on Children's Progress
Parents are invited to call and talk over their child's progress with the class teacher but by appointment please. Children are not endowed with equal ability in all subjects of the curriculum. All need guidance and encouragement from parents and teachers. This acceptance of a child's differing talent will avoid the frustrations that follow from unfair comparison in subject areas where children have not the ability to excel. To effectively educate your children there must be co-operation and communication between home and school. Parents will be kept informed of school events through frequent circulars. If parents feel concerned about any matter they are urged to contact the Principal to discuss their concerns. Often by frank, open discussion, many seemingly major issues can be put in their true perspective. The staff will appreciate the opportunity to meet you and would welcome any efforts you make to acquaint yourselves with the aims and achievements of your school. Priests of the Parish also have a part in the school. The parish priest is the school Chaplain and will help with the Education in Faith of the children.
Parent Interviews
Like most working people, staff enjoy freedom after having completed a day's work. Though sympathetic to the calls made to their homes, they seek your co-operation in limiting such calls to emergency situations. The school phone is manned each day from 8.00am to 3.30pm and more often much later.