Behaviour Management
We aim to focus on desirable behaviour and attitude through:
"rewarding and recognising appropriate behaviour and academic standards"
Praising effort
Merit Certificates of various kinds which reward high standards of achievement and behaviour, and consistent effort are awarded at regular School Assemblies.
Blessing Certificates are also rewarded to students who have been following the school values, and those students who are showing Catholic values in their school day.
Golden Rule:
Do to other people what you would like them to do to you.
Discipline and Guidance
Discipline is the responsibility of each staff member but the ultimate decision for discipline rests with the Board of Trustees.
1. Discipline methods are mutually agreed upon by staff, parents and Board of Trustees through policies.
2. A standardised course of action will be taken for children whosebehaviour causes concern.
3. There is a clear expectation of behaviour based on school rules, in the playground and classrooms.
4. Behaviour slips will be sent home to inform parents, caregivers and whanau. These slips need to be signed and returned to school.